Session 2

Session 2: Saturday 9:45-11:45 a.m.

Please note that CERP session 201 ends at 11:45

201* - Maternal Causes of Low Milk Supply -- Kay Hoover

A review of the causes of low milk supply, how to determine the possible cause, methods for addressing the problem, and how to support the mother with low milk supply. Please Note: This is a CERP session. We ask that attendance by children be limited to quiet infants in arms and nonseparating children who can sit quietly.

Session 2: Saturday 9:45-11:00 a.m.

202 - Early and Often -- TBA

The magical hours after birth and the key interventions which promote breastfeeding success and maternal well-being. Session cancelled

203 - Babywearing 101 -- Barbara Arnone

How to wear your baby or toddler safely and comfortably. The four main types of carriers will be demonstrated and a variety of carriers will be available to try. Bring your own carrier if you have one.

204 - Love and Anger -- Patty Angstadt

Ideas and techniques to help you manage your emotions while teaching your child to manage theirs. Setting limits and managing behaviors with empathy and understanding.

205 - Meet the Leader Accreditation Department (LAD) -- Carol Smith

Interested mothers, Leader Applicants and Leaders are invited to meet our CLA & ACLAs, and to discuss applying for leadership, leadership preparation, and finding potential Leader Applicants.

* CERP applied for